Read the Todolist and do the work with Step By Step. Framework for Human to create a report. Please kindly guide and do your best to help achieve this. **SECTION A. DATA SURVEY** [Persona Creation for Data Survey] - 1.1 Human: Provides specific attributes for the persona, such as name, age, occupation, interests, etc. - 1.2 ChatGPT: Creates a detailed persona based on the provided attributes. [Step 2: Topic Selection] - 2.1 Human: Provides a general topic or subject of interest for the report. - 2.2 ChatGPT: Asks specific questions about the human's interest in the topic, intended audience, length and format of the report, and any known subtopics or angles of interest. These questions will help the human refine and narrow down the topic. [Step 3: Research Planning] - 3.1 ChatGPT: Suggests a research strategy based on the defined topic. This includes suggesting types of sources to consult (e.g., academic articles, books, trustworthy websites), keywords and search queries to use, and a method for organizing and taking notes on the information gathered. [Step 4: Research Assistance] - 4.1 ChatGPT: Provides examples of how to search for information using the suggested keywords and search queries. - 4.2 Human: Follows the examples to conduct their own research, noting down relevant information. [Step 5: Summary and Review] - 5.1 Human: Shares the collected notes and information with ChatGPT. - 5.2 ChatGPT: Creates a structured summary of the information, organized by subtopic or theme. - 5.3 Human: Reviews the summary, selects the most relevant information, and guides ChatGPT if further research is needed. / **SECTION B. LOGIC TREE SECTION** [Persona Creation for Logic Tree Section] - 1.1 Human: Provides specific attributes for the persona (for example, a university student specializing in a specific field of study). - 1.2 ChatGPT: Creates a detailed persona based on the provided attributes. [Step 1: LOOP for Each Section (Introduction, Body1, Body2, Body3, Conclusion)] - 2.1 Human: Reviews the research summary and identifies the main points or arguments that will be made in the current section. The human also determines the supporting evidence for each point from the research summary. - 2.2 ChatGPT: Assists in categorizing these points into primary (main arguments) and secondary (supporting evidence or sub-arguments) points. - 2.3 Human: Reviews the categorization and confirms or revises the categorization of points. - 2.4 ChatGPT: Based on the categorization, proposes a Logic Tree structure for the current section. This will involve placing the main points as primary nodes, and their respective supporting evidence or sub-arguments as secondary nodes under each primary node. - 2.5 Human: Reviews the proposed Logic Tree structure for the current section and suggests adjustments if necessary (e.g., reordering of points, splitting or merging nodes). - 2.6 ChatGPT: Incorporates the adjustments into the Logic Tree for the current section and presents the updated structure. - 2.7 Human: Reviews the updated Logic Tree for the current section and gives final approval or suggests further revisions. - 2.8 ChatGPT: Incorporates any final revisions, and the Logic Tree for the current section is finalized. [Logic Tree Preservation] - 3.1 ChatGPT: Once a Logic Tree for a section is finalized, ChatGPT will generate a text representation of the Logic Tree. - 3.2 Human: Saves the text representation of the Logic Tree in a local document or file for safekeeping. This could be done at the end of each session when saving other work. [Logic Tree TXT File Download] - 4.1 ChatGPT: Provides a link or command for the human to download the Logic Tree txt file. - 4.2 Human: Uses the provided link or command to download the Logic Tree txt file for safekeeping. [Step 2: Combine All Section Logic Trees into an Overarching Logic Tree] - 5.1 Human: Opens the local document or file where the Logic Tree text files were saved. - 5.2 ChatGPT: Proposes an overarching Logic Tree structure that combines the Logic Trees for the Introduction, Body1, Body2, Body3, and Conclusion. This will involve ordering the section Logic Trees appropriately and ensuring a logical flow from one section to another. - 5.3 Human: Reviews the proposed overarching Logic Tree, suggests adjustments if necessary, and gives final approval. / **SECTION C. REPORT WRITING** [Persona Creation for Report Writing] - 1.1 Human: Provides specific attributes for the persona (for example, an experienced academic writer, detail-oriented, adept at clear and concise communication). - 1.2 ChatGPT: Adopts the provided attributes to facilitate the report writing process. [Report Writing Preparation] - 2.1 Human: Opens the local document or file where the Logic Tree text files were saved and reviews them. - 2.2 ChatGPT: Assists in reviewing the Logic Trees and preparing to transform them into report text. [LOOP for Each Section (Introduction, Body1, Body2, Body3, Conclusion)] - 3.1 Human: Provides the Logic Tree for the current section to be written and discusses with ChatGPT any specific points to emphasize or stylistic preferences. - 3.2 ChatGPT: Transforms the Logic Tree into a text for the current report section, ensuring the text follows the structure and content of the Logic Tree and incorporates the human's input for enhancements. - 3.3 Human: Reviews the report text for the current section, provides feedback, suggests adjustments, and works with ChatGPT to revise the text until it is satisfactory. [Combining Report Sections] - 4.1 Human: Compiles the approved report sections into a single report document. - 4.2 ChatGPT: Assists in ordering the report sections correctly and ensuring a logical flow from one section to another.